Rank | Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
1553 | abuse | /əˈbjuz/ | verb | to treat someone or something in a way that is cruel, harmful, or wrong |
1349 | accident | /ˈæk.sə.dənt/ | noun | sudden unplanned event causing damage, injury, etc. |
1464 | acquire | /əˈkwaɪər/ | verb | to get or earn something by thinking or working |
1354 | active | /ˈæk.tɪv/ | adj | moving around a lot or doing many things |
1369 | actor | /ˈæk.tər/ | noun | person who acts in the theater, movies, or tv |
1335 | actual | /ˈæk.tʃu.əl/ | adj | real or existing in fact, not imagined; real |
1478 | ad | /æd/ | noun | public notice or advertisement |
1243 | adopt | /əˈdɑpt/ | verb | to take on responsibility for something |
1448 | affair | /əˈfɛər/ | noun | event or a set of events, often unpleasant ones |
1488 | afford | /əˈfɔrd/ | verb | to have enough money to pay for something |
1353 | afraid | /əˈfreɪd/ | adj | worried that something bad will happen; scared |
1305 | aid | /eɪd/ | verb | to provide things useful or needed by others |
1524 | amaze | /əˈmeɪz/ | verb | to cause wonder; to surprise completely |
1431 | anybody | /ˈɛn.iˌbɑd.i/ | pron | any person; anyone |
1277 | apparently | /əˈpɛər.ənt.li/ | adv | according to what you heard; from what can be seen |
1568 | appearance | /əˈpɪər.əns/ | noun | way that someone or something looks |
1274 | appreciate | /əˈpri.ʃiˌeɪt/ | verb | to be thankful for; to value or admire |
1575 | approve | /əˈpruv/ | verb | to have a positive opinion of someone or something |
1418 | army | /ˈɑr.mi/ | noun | large group of soldiers organized to fight in wars |
1266 | arrange | /əˈreɪndʒ/ | verb | to put things into a particular order; to plan and organize an event |
1460 | arrangement | /əˈreɪndʒ.mənt/ | noun | plan or preparation to make something happen; an agreement |
1498 | arrest | /əˈrɛst/ | verb | to use the law to catch and keep people who committed crimes |
1499 | assess | /əˈsɛs/ | verb | to judge something's value or suitability |
1475 | assessment | /əˈsɛs.mənt/ | noun | opinion based on judging the qualities of something or someone |
1501 | asset | /ˈæ.sɛt/ | noun | a person or thing that has value or use to someone or to a company |
1595 | association | /əˌsoʊ.siˈeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | organization of people with the same interest |
1579 | atmosphere | /ˈæt.məsˌfɪər/ | noun | The mixture of gases surrounding the Earth; the feeling that a place or situation gives you |
1298 | attract | /əˈtrækt/ | verb | to make someone notice and become interested in |
1341 | award | /əˈwɔrd/ | verb | to give a prize for doing something well |
1223 | background | /ˈbæk.ɡraʊnd/ | noun | images, color, or information behind the main one |
1252 | bag | /bæg/ | noun | soft container to put things in and carry with you |
1201 | ball | /bɑl/ | noun | small round object often used in a game or sport |
1435 | basically | /ˈbeɪ.sɪk.li/ | adv | in the most important ways even if not completely true |
1337 | battle | /ˈbæ.təl/ | noun | military fight between armies |
1297 | beach | /bitʃ/ | noun | large area of sand, next to an area of water |
1432 | bedroom | /ˈbɛdˌrum/ | noun | room for sleeping usually with a bed |
1456 | belief | /bɪˈlif/ | noun | a feeling of being sure that something exists or is true |
1412 | belong | /bɪˈlɑŋ/ | verb | to be a member of a particular group and feel welcomed |
1411 | bind | /baɪnd/ | verb | to join two or more things together to limit their freedom |
1271 | bird | /bɜrd/ | noun | animal with feathers that uses wings to fly |
1526 | birth | /bɜrθ/ | noun | when a baby comes out of the body of its mother |
1363 | blow | /bloʊ/ | verb | to move something using air |
1304 | boat | /boʊt/ | noun | small form of transport for traveling on water |
1417 | bomb | /bɑm/ | verb | a weapon designed to break apart very suddenly and violently |
1513 | bond | /bɑnd/ | verb | something that joins or connects people, groups, or parts; a duty or promise to another; glue |
1473 | border | /ˈbɔr.dər/ | noun | line separating one country or state from another |
1242 | bottom | /ˈbɒt.əm/ | noun | lowest part of something; part on which it rests |
1235 | brain | /breɪn/ | noun | part of the head that thinks and controls your body |
1407 | branch | /brɑntʃ/ | noun | a part of a tree that grows out from the main part; a part of an organization connected to but separate from the main office |
1549 | brand | /brænd/ | noun | name given to a product or service |
1546 | bridge | /brɪdʒ/ | noun | structure built over river or road so people, vehicles, or animals can cross |
1270 | brief | /brif/ | adj | short; using few words |
1510 | bright | /braɪt/ | adj | producing a lot of light |
1330 | broad | /brɑd/ | adj | wide; from the shorter two sides to the other |
1280 | burn | /bɜrn/ | verb | to destroy with fire |
1233 | busy | /ˈbɪz.i/ | adj | working hard doing something; full of activity |
1390 | camera | /ˈkæm.ər.ə/ | noun | object that takes pictures digitally, or on film |
1357 | cancer | /ˈkæn.sər/ | noun | any growth caused by abnormal cell division |
1472 | capacity | /kəˈpæs.ɪ.ti/ | noun | ability to hold, involve or contain people or things |
1386 | carefully | /ˈkɛər.fə.li/ | adv | in a manner that involves focus and care |
1339 | cash | /kæʃ/ | noun | physical money (not credit card or digital) |
1518 | chain | /tʃeɪn/ | noun | series of connected things, events, or people |
1532 | channel | /ˈtʃæn.əl/ | noun | 1. a narrow, deep body of water used by ships; 2. a system used for sending something from one place or person to another |
1275 | chapter | /ˈtʃæp.tər/ | noun | one of the main sections of a book |
1582 | characteristic | /ˌkær.ɪk.təˈrɪs.tɪk/ | adj | a typical feature or quality that a particular person or thing has |
1229 | circumstance | /ˈsɜr.kəmˌstæns/ | noun | condition or fact that affects a situation |
1451 | citizen | /ˈsɪt.ə.zən/ | noun | person who belongs to and has rights in a country |
1449 | civil | /ˈsɪv.əl/ | adj | related to the people of a country; not military/criminal |
1434 | climb | /klaɪm/ | verb | to rise gradually and steadily to a higher point |
1342 | coach | /koʊtʃ/ | noun | person who teaches others how to do (sport, job) |
1346 | code | /koʊd/ | noun | a password made of a set of letters or numbers |
1395 | coffee | /ˈkɔ.fi/ | noun | a brown drink made from roasted beans and boiled water |
1251 | colleague | /ˈkɑl.iɡ/ | noun | someone who works with you; coworker |
1552 | combination | /ˌkɑm.bəˈneɪ.ʃən/ | noun | result of mixing things together |
1244 | combine | /kəmˈbaɪn/ | verb | to mix several things together to form one thing |
1384 | comfortable | /ˈkʌm.fər.tə.bəl/ | adj | not being worried about something; at ease |
1260 | commercial | /kəˈmɜr.ʃəl/ | noun | radio or television advertisement |
1593 | commission | /kəˈmɪʃ.ən/ | noun | a group officially put in charge of finding out about something or controlling something |
1322 | commit | /kəˈmɪt/ | verb | to do something bad, usually a crime |
1507 | commitment | /kəˈmɪt.mənt/ | noun | a promise or decision to do something; something that you must do that takes your time |
1581 | comparison | /kəmˈpær.ə.sən/ | noun | looking for differences and similarities in two or more things |
1495 | complain | /kəmˈpleɪn/ | verb | to say that you are not happy or satisfied with something or someone |
1487 | component | /kəmˈpoʊ.nənt/ | noun | one of the parts that make up something |
1541 | concentrate | /ˈkɑn.sənˌtreɪt/ | verb | to give all your attention to a task; focus |
1213 | concept | /ˈkɑn.sɛpt/ | noun | abstract idea of something or how it works |
1382 | concert | /ˈkɑn.sɜrt/ | noun | musical entertainment given in public by one or more performers |
1355 | conclude | /kənˈklud/ | verb | to stop or finish; to come to the end of something |
1493 | confidence | /ˈkɑn.fɪ.dəns/ | noun | feeling that you can do well at something |
1206 | confirm | /kənˈfɜrm/ | verb | to provide evidence to establish the truth of |
1264 | connect | /kəˈnɛkt/ | verb | to join or attach things together |
1228 | consequence | /ˈkɑn.sɪˌkwɛns/ | noun | outcome of an event; result |
1344 | consideration | /kənˌsɪd.əˈreɪ.ʃən/ | noun | careful thought; thinking about something |
1547 | consist | /kənˈsɪst/ | verb | to have as an essential, necessary or main part |
1400 | construction | /kənˈstrʌk.ʃən/ | noun | act of building something; thing that is built |
1238 | contribute | /kənˈtrɪb.jut/ | verb | give something of value to or help someone or something |
1273 | contribution | /ˌkɑn.trəˈbju.ʃən/ | noun | helping a cause by giving money, things, services |
1358 | convince | /kənˈvɪns/ | verb | to persuade someone, or make them feel sure |
1465 | corporate | /ˈkɔr.pər.ət/ | adj | concerning (usually large) companies |
1422 | council | /ˈkaʊn.səl/ | noun | group chosen to make decisions about something |
1302 | crisis | /ˈkraɪ.sɪs/ | noun | unstable situation of extreme danger or difficulty |
1285 | critical | /ˈkrɪt.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | being important or serious; vital; dangerous |
1202 | cry | /kraɪ/ | verb | to produce tears and sounds because of pain |
1265 | cultural | /ˈkʌl.tʃər.əl/ | adj | of a particular society's customs and beliefs |
1491 | cup | /kʌp/ | noun | small round container used to hold liquids for drinking |
1293 | currently | /ˈkɜr.ənt.li/ | adv | happening or being in the present time |
1394 | cycle | /ˈsaɪ.kəl/ | noun | series of regular and repeated actions |
1416 | danger | /ˈdeɪn.dʒər/ | noun | possibility of getting hurt, damaged, or killed |
1419 | dangerous | /ˈdeɪn.dʒər.əs/ | adj | involving the chance of hurt or damage; risky |
1401 | dear | /dɪr/ | adj | loved or valued very much |
1420 | decrease | /dɪˈkris/ | verb | to reduce the size, amount, or number of something |
1557 | definitely | /ˈdɛf.ə.nɪt.li/ | adv | without question; beyond doubt |
1577 | definition | /ˌdɛf.əˈnɪʃ.ən/ | noun | explanation of word's meaning, as in dictionaries |
1310 | delay | /dɪˈleɪ/ | verb | to cause something to happen later than planned or expected |
1428 | delivery | /dɪˈlɪv.ə.ri/ | noun | act of taking something to a person or place |
1272 | demonstrate | /ˈdɛm.ənˌstreɪt/ | verb | to show how something works (e.g., product) |
1429 | deny | /dɪˈnaɪ/ | verb | to refuse to allow or accept something |
1492 | description | /dɪˈskrɪp.ʃən/ | noun | something that tells you what something is like or looks like |
1291 | desire | /dɪˈzaɪər/ | verb | to wish for, hope, or want something |
1588 | desk | /dɛsk/ | noun | a piece of furniture like a table often with drawers |
1447 | destroy | /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ | verb | to damage something so badly that it no longer exists |
1525 | device | /dɪˈvaɪs/ | noun | object, machine, or equipment for a specific use |
1329 | district | /ˈdɪs.trɪkt/ | noun | area of a country, city, or town |
1316 | divide | /dɪˈvaɪd/ | verb | to separate something into equal pieces |
1522 | division | /dɪˈvɪʒ.ən/ | noun | act of separating something into parts; groups formed by different functions or opinions |
1454 | domestic | /dəˈmɛs.tɪk/ | adj | of or relating to a particular country; of or relating to the home and family |
1262 | duty | /ˈdu.ti/ | noun | work required by your job or position |
1288 | earth | /ɜrθ/ | noun | planet we live on |
1423 | editor | /ˈɛd.ɪ.tər/ | noun | a person whose job is to correct and make changes to the contents of a book or magazine |
1381 | egg | /ɛg/ | noun | hard-shelled thing from which a young bird is born |
1578 | elect | /ɪˈlɛkt/ | verb | choose someone for a position usually by voting |
1211 | emerge | /ɪˈmɜrdʒ/ | verb | to rise or appear out of some background |
1294 | employ | /ɛmˈplɔɪ/ | verb | to pay a person to work for you; to give a job to |
1592 | empty | /ˈɛmp.ti/ | adj | containing nothing; with no contents |
1352 | enable | /ɛnˈeɪ.bəl/ | verb | to make it possible to do something |
1299 | engage | /ɛnˈgeɪdʒ/ | verb | to carry out, participate in; be involved in |
1312 | engineer | /ˌɛn.dʒəˈnɪər/ | noun | professional who designs and builds machines, roads, and other complicated structures |
1544 | entirely | /ɛnˈtaɪər.li/ | adv | fully or completely |
1360 | environmental | /ɛnˌvaɪ.rənˈmən.tl/ | adj | of the natural world in which plants and animals live |
1254 | equal | /ˈi.kwəl/ | adj | same in shape, size, or number |
1497 | error | /ˈɛr.ər/ | noun | something that is not correct; a mistake |
1482 | escape | /ɪˈskeɪp/ | verb | to get away from a place where you are being held |
1290 | essential | /əˈsɛn.ʃəl/ | adj | extremely important and necessary |
1321 | expand | /ɪkˈspænd/ | verb | to become bigger or larger in size and amount |
1531 | expense | /ɪkˈspɛns/ | noun | the amount of money that is needed to pay for something |
1343 | experiment | /ɪkˈspɛr.ɪ.mənt/ | noun | test performed to assess new ideas or theories |
1505 | explore | /ɪkˈsplɔr/ | verb | to learn about something by examining in detail or someplace by traveling to it |
1543 | export | /ɪkˈspɔrt/ | verb | to send goods to be sold in another country |
1255 | expression | /ɪkˈsprɛʃ.ən/ | noun | act of making your thoughts and feelings known |
1257 | extremely | /ɪkˈstrim.li/ | adv | in a way that is much more than usual or expected |
1530 | factory | /ˈfæk.tə.ri/ | noun | building where things are made |
1239 | failure | /ˈfeɪl.jər/ | noun | act or result of not achieving your goals |
1466 | fairly | /ˈfɛər.li/ | adv | in a reasonable way; between a little and very much |
1445 | familiar | /fəˈmɪl.jər/ | adj | well-known or easily recognized |
1306 | fan | /fæn/ | noun | thing you wave in front of your face to stay cool |
1580 | farmer | /ˈfɑr.mər/ | noun | someone who owns or looks after farm, a place for growing crops and keeping animals |
1415 | fashion | /ˈfæ.ʃən/ | noun | style of dress or activity popular at some time |
1479 | fee | /fi/ | noun | amount of money paid for a particular service |
1379 | finance | /ˈfaɪ.næns/ | noun | control of money a person/business has access to |
1503 | finger | /ˈfɪŋ.gər/ | noun | one of the five long parts of the hand |
1219 | flight | /flaɪt/ | noun | act of flying |
1301 | flower | /ˈflaʊ.ər/ | noun | plant with a pretty head (e.g., a rose) |
1217 | football | /ˈfʊtˌbɑl/ | noun | sport where 2 teams try to kick a ball in a goal; soccer |
1527 | forest | /ˈfɑr.ɪst/ | noun | large area with many trees |
1511 | frame | /freɪm/ | noun | (n) 1. the basic structure of something that gives it its shape, to which other parts are added; 2. one picture in a series that make a video; (v) 1. to put a picture in a supporting structure; 2. to produce false evidence so an innocent person appears guilty of a crime |
1399 | freedom | /ˈfri.dəm/ | noun | state of being free, not being controlled |
1309 | fresh | /frɛʃ/ | adj | newly made or gathered |
1538 | friendly | /ˈfrɛnd.li/ | adv | acting like a friend; kind and helpful |
1237 | funny | /ˈfʌn.i/ | adj | causing laughter; amusing |
1286 | gather | /ˈgæð.ər/ | verb | to bring people/animals together into a group |
1426 | generate | /ˈdʒɛn.əˌreɪt/ | verb | to create or be produced or bring into existence |
1427 | gift | /gɪft/ | noun | something given to another for a reason; present |
1370 | glad | /glæd/ | adj | happy that something happened; pleased |
1453 | gold | /goʊld/ | noun | soft yellow metal that is very valuable |
1559 | grade | /greɪd/ | noun | level of study that is completed by a student |
1548 | graduate | /ˈgrædʒ.uˌeɪt/ | verb | (v) to receive a degree from a college or university; (n) a person who has received a degree |
1570 | guarantee | /ˌgær.ənˈti/ | verb | to make a formal promise that something will happen or be done. |
1430 | guest | /gɛst/ | noun | person invited to visit or stay in someone's home |
1442 | gun | /gʌn/ | noun | a weapon that shoots small metal objects down a metal tube |
1480 | hall | /hɔl/ | noun | a usually long, narrow room in a building that leads to other rooms |
1340 | hardly | /ˈhɑrd.li/ | adv | clearly or undoubtedly not; very little |
1380 | hate | /heɪt/ | verb | to have a very strong feeling of dislike for |
1362 | healthy | /ˈhɛl.θi/ | adj | in good condition physically (or financially); not ill or bad |
1247 | hide | /haɪd/ | verb | to put a thing where it can't be found; go where you won't be found |
1514 | hire | /haɪ.ər/ | verb | to employ a person to do a particular job |
1405 | historical | /hɪˈstɔr.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | of or related to events or people in the past |
1515 | hole | /hoʊl/ | noun | hollow place; opening into or through something |
1327 | host | /hoʊst/ | noun | person who entertains guests |
1421 | hurt | /hɜrt/ | verb | to cause pain, damage, or injury |
1554 | ice | /aɪs/ | noun | frozen water |
1587 | identity | /aɪ.dɛn.tɪ.tɪ/ | noun | who someone is; the collection of qualities that makes a person |
1446 | ignore | /ɪgˈnɔr/ | verb | to not listen to, look at, or pay attention to |
1350 | impossible | /ɪmˈpɑs.ə.bəl/ | adj | very unlikely to happen or exist |
1226 | improvement | /ɪmˈpruv.mənt/ | noun | addition or change that makes something better |
1494 | industrial | /ɪnˈdʌs.tri.əl/ | adj | concerning the people and businesses that make certain products |
1282 | initial | /ɪˈnɪʃ.əl/ | adj | existing or occurring at the beginning |
1551 | insist | /ɪnˈsɪst/ | verb | to state your opinion strongly and firmly; to demand that something must happen |
1596 | instrument | /ˈɪn.strə.mənt/ | noun | a piece of equipment used for a particular purpose such as making music or measuring something |
1314 | insurance | /ɪnˈʃʊər.əns/ | noun | payments to cover potential loss/damage/injury/death |
1517 | internal | /ɪnˈtɜr.nəl/ | adj | within or inside |
1203 | introduction | /ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.ʃən/ | noun | making someone known to another by name |
1366 | invest | /ɪnˈvɛst/ | verb | to use resources to build for the future |
1533 | investigate | /ɪnˈvɛs.tɪˌgeɪt/ | verb | to try to find out facts; to carry out research |
1318 | investigation | /ɪnˌvɛs.tɪˈgeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | search for information about something |
1597 | investor | /ɪnˈvɛst/ | noun | a person who gives money to help a business grow for a profit |
1214 | island | /ˈaɪ.lənd/ | noun | area of land that is surrounded by water |
1573 | judgment | /ˈdʒʌdʒ.mənt/ | noun | opinion that is made after careful consideration |
1324 | jump | /dʒʌmp/ | verb | to push your body into the air with your legs |
1307 | kitchen | /ˈkɪtʃ.ən/ | noun | place where food is cooked |
1528 | label | /ˈleɪ.bəl/ | noun | a piece of paper or cloth that is attached to something and gives information about it |
1261 | lady | /ˈleɪ.di/ | noun | another way of saying 'woman' |
1564 | largely | /ˈlɑrdʒ.li/ | adv | in large part; mainly or chiefly |
1489 | lawyer | /ˈlɔ.jər/ | noun | a professional who is paid to help people with the law |
1506 | leadership | /ˈli.dərˌʃɪp/ | noun | quality of being able to guide or influence others |
1220 | left | /lɛft/ | noun | side of your body your heart is on |
1317 | length | /lɛŋkθ/ | noun | measurement of distance or of time |
1234 | lesson | /ˈlɛs.ən/ | noun | a time or event where teaching and learning occur; class |
1583 | license | /ˈlaɪ.səns/ | noun | official document which allows a person to do or have something |
1519 | literature | /ˈlɪt.ər.ə.tʃər/ | noun | writings that are valued as works of art, esp. fiction, drama and poetry |
1455 | load | /loʊd/ | noun | large, often heavy, amount of something to be moved |
1576 | loan | /loʊn/ | noun | something (usually money) that is given to someone for a period of time with a promise that it will be returned |
1450 | locate | /ˈloʊ.keɪt/ | verb | to find a certain place, position, or location of something |
1365 | location | /loʊˈkeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | particular position or area |
1600 | lovely | /ˈlʌv.li/ | adj | attractive or beautiful |
1334 | lunch | /lʌntʃ/ | noun | light meal eaten in the middle of the day |
1438 | mainly | /ˈmeɪn.li/ | adv | mostly; usually; being the largest part |
1441 | manner | /ˈmæn.ər/ | noun | that way that something happens or is done |
1392 | manufacture | /ˌmæn.jəˈfæk.tʃər/ | verb | to produce large numbers of products in a factory |
1212 | map | /mæp/ | noun | picture showing the geography of an area |
1248 | marriage | /ˈmær.ɪdʒ/ | noun | formal relationship between a husband and a wife |
1236 | mass | /mæs/ | noun | a large amount of something, often of no particular shape |
1556 | master | /ˈmæs.tər/ | adj | 1. someone who has control over others; 2. someone who is very skilled at doing something |
1250 | meal | /mil/ | noun | food for eating at a particular time (e.g., dinner) |
1437 | minister | /ˈmɪn.ə.stər/ | noun | an official who heads a government department |
1377 | monitor | /ˈmɑn.ɪ.tər/ | noun | electronic screen on which you can see images |
1550 | moral | /ˈmɔr.əl/ | adj | relating to people's belief about right or wrong behavior |
1403 | moreover | /mɔrˈoʊ.vər/ | adv | in addition to what has been said |
1287 | mostly | /ˈmoʊst.li/ | adv | in large part; mainly or chiefly |
1245 | mountain | /ˈmaʊn.tn/ | noun | very high piece of land, higher than a hill |
1439 | mouth | /maʊθ/ | noun | part of the face used for eating and talking |
1376 | murder | /ˈmɜr.dər/ | noun | crime of deliberately killing a person |
1397 | museum | /mjuˈzi.əm/ | noun | building to display art, science, or history objects |
1585 | narrow | /ˈnær.oʊ/ | adj | long but not wide; a small distance from one side to the other compared to length |
1509 | necessarily | /ˌnɛs.əˈsɛər.ə.li/ | adv | in a way that is needed or required, or is unavoidable |
1222 | neighbor | /ˈneɪ.bər/ | noun | person who lives, or is near, you |
1216 | neither | /ˈni.ðər/ | adj | not one or the other; not either; none of two things |
1560 | nevertheless | /ˌnɛv.ər.ðəˈlɛs/ | adv | despite what has just been done or said; nonetheless |
1440 | noise | /nɔɪz/ | noun | a loud or unpleasant sound |
1424 | normally | /ˈnɔr.mə.li/ | adv | in the manner that is usual or ordinary |
1205 | north | /nɔrθ/ | noun | direction to your left when facing the rising sun |
1278 | novel | /ˈnɑv.əl/ | noun | written fiction story |
1315 | nurse | /nɜrs/ | noun | person trained to care for sick or injured people |
1402 | objective | /əbˈdʒɛk.tɪv/ | noun | something you decide you want to do; goal |
1323 | obvious | /ˈɑb.vi.əs/ | adj | easily understood and clear; plain to see |
1444 | occasion | /əˈkeɪ.ʒən/ | noun | particular time when something important or special happens |
1574 | odd | /ɑd/ | adj | being strange or different from what is usual or expected |
1404 | onto | ˈɔn.tu/ | prep | movement towards a position that is on something |
1406 | oppose | /əˈpoʊz/ | verb | to be against someone in a contest, game, or fight; to disagree |
1373 | opposite | /ˈɑp.ə.zɪt/ | adj | across from or on the side facing something |
1477 | ought | /ɑt/ | aux | what is expected; should |
1258 | owner | /ˈoʊ.nər/ | noun | person who owns or has something |
1387 | pack | /pæk/ | verb | to put things in a suitcase to go on a trip |
1319 | package | /ˈpæk.ɪdʒ/ | noun | box or container in which items are placed for mailing |
1468 | participate | /pɑrˈtɪs.əˌpeɪt/ | verb | to take part with others in doing something |
1295 | path | /pæθ/ | noun | track made with stones/by walking over the ground |
1268 | payment | /ˈpeɪ.mənt/ | noun | amount of money that is paid for something |
1589 | permit | /pərˈmɪt/ | verb | to allow someone to do something or for something to happen |
1496 | perspective | /pərˈspɛk.tɪv/ | noun | way of thinking, an attitude toward something |
1208 | photo | /ˈfoʊ.toʊ/ | noun | short for photograph; a picture taken by a camera |
1259 | plane | /pleɪn/ | noun | an airplane |
1283 | pleasure | /ˈplɛʒ.ər/ | noun | feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction |
1542 | plenty | /ˈplɛn.ti/ | pron | a large amount of something; a lot; not too little |
1256 | plus | /plʌs/ | prep | with; showing one amount added to another |
1336 | pool | /pul/ | noun | large container or hole that is filled with water and used for people to swim in |
1289 | pop | /pɑp/ | verb | to cause something to open or burst suddenly |
1347 | possibly | /ˈpɑs.ə.bli/ | adv | may be true or likely, but is uncertain |
1300 | powerful | /ˈpaʊ.ər.fəl/ | adj | having control or influence over |
1598 | practical | /ˈpræk.tɪ.kəl/ | adj | relating to what is sensible, real, or useful rather than with ideas or theories |
1561 | predict | /prɪˈdɪkt/ | verb | to guess or estimate what will or might happen |
1562 | previously | /ˈpri.vi.əs.li/ | adv | at an earlier time |
1555 | principal | /ˈprɪn.sə.pəl/ | adj | 1. most important; main; 2. the person in charge of a (US) public school |
1462 | prison | /ˈprɪz.ən/ | noun | a place where people who have committed serious crimes are held |
1367 | proceed | /prəˈsid/ | verb | to continue to do something; carry on |
1292 | promote | /prəˈmoʊt/ | verb | to try to encourage the popularity and sales of a product |
1484 | proper | /ˈprɑp.ər/ | adj | correct according to social or moral rules |
1563 | protection | /prə.tɛk.ʃən/ | noun | being kept from harm |
1540 | provision | /prəˈvɪʒ.ən/ | noun | 1. supplies that are needed or wanted; something that is supplied; 2. part of a law or an agreement |
1313 | quiet | /ˈkwaɪ.ɪt/ | adj | not loud; making very little sound |
1433 | quote | /kwoʊt/ | verb | to use someone's exact words in your writing or speech |
1232 | rain | /reɪn/ | noun | drops of water that fall out of clouds in the sky |
1535 | rank | /ræŋk/ | verb | to place someone or something in higher or lower position relative to others |
1231 | reaction | /riˈæk.ʃən/ | noun | feeling or action in response to something |
1569 | reasonable | /ˈri.zə.nə.bəl/ | adj | fair and sensible; appropriate |
1388 | recall | /rɪˈkɔl/ | verb | to remember events or details of the past |
1534 | recommendation | /ˌrɛk.ə.mɛnˈdeɪ.ʃən/ | noun | suggestion about someone or something being a good choice |
1215 | reform | /rɪˈfɔrm/ | verb | to improve society by removing abuse and injustices |
1209 | refuse | /rɪˈfjuz/ | verb | to say that you will not accept something |
1500 | register | /ˈrɛdʒ.ə.stər/ | verb | to record your name on an official list; sign up |
1481 | regulation | /ˌrɛg.jəˈleɪ.ʃən/ | noun | official rule that controls how something is done |
1326 | relatively | /ˈrɛl.ə.tɪv.li/ | adv | in a manner that measures or compares something to something else |
1485 | relax | /rɪˈlæks/ | verb | to stop feeling nervous or worried; to rest and do something enjoyable |
1504 | relevant | /ˈrɛl.ə.vənt/ | adj | direct related to a subject in a considerable way |
1356 | religious | /rɪˈlɪdʒ.əs/ | adj | concerning religion or faith |
1584 | rely | /rɪˈlaɪ/ | verb | able to depend on |
1459 | remind | /rɪˈmaɪnd/ | verb | to make someone remember something |
1566 | rent | /rɛnt/ | verb | to pay money for the use of something |
1253 | repeat | /rɪˈpit/ | verb | to say something again |
1471 | representative | /ˌrɛp.rɪˈzɛn.tə.tɪv/ | noun | typical of a particular group or thing |
1204 | requirement | /rɪˈkwaɪər.mənt/ | noun | something that is a necessity |
1539 | resident | /ˈrɛz.ɪ.dənt/ | noun | A person, animal, or plant who lives in a particular place |
1351 | revenue | /ˈrɛv.ənˌju/ | noun | money that is made by or paid to a business |
1529 | root | /rut/ | noun | part of a plant that grows underground |
1410 | route | /rut/ | noun | way to get from one place to another place |
1311 | safety | /ˈseɪf.ti/ | noun | state of being free from harm or danger |
1240 | schedule | /ˈskɛdʒ.ul/ | verb | to arrange a time to do something with others |
1267 | scheme | /skim/ | noun | often dishonest plan to get or do something |
1409 | scientist | /ˈsaɪ.ən.tɪst/ | noun | a person who is trained to gain knowledge by making predictions, testing them, and developing theories |
1276 | secret | /ˈsi.krɪt/ | adj | something that you don't want others to know; private |
1523 | secure | /sɪˈkjʊər/ | verb | to protect something from danger or harm, keep things safe |
1207 | senior | /ˈsin.jər/ | adj | having higher status or authority than another person |
1590 | seriously | /ˈsɪər.i.əs.li/ | adv | in a serious way; in a way that shows something is important |
1558 | session | /ˈsɛʃ.ən/ | noun | period of time for doing a particular activity |
1303 | settle | /ˈsɛt.l/ | verb | to move to a new environment and become accustomed to it |
1474 | shake | /ʃeɪk/ | verb | to move something violently back and forth or up and down |
1383 | shock | /ʃɒk/ | noun | sudden bad feeling caused by something unexpected |
1476 | shoe | /ʃu/ | noun | outer covering worn on the foot to protect it usually sold in pairs |
1567 | shot | /ʃɑt/ | verb | the act of firing a gun, or kicking or throwing a ball at a goal |
1425 | sight | /saɪt/ | noun | the ability to see |
1502 | signal | /ˈsɪg.nl/ | noun | An action, change, or process that gives information about something |
1461 | skin | /skɪn/ | noun | outer layer of an animal's or human's body |
1512 | slowly | /ˈsloʊ.li/ | adv | done in a way that takes a long time |
1230 | smoke | /smoʊk/ | verb | to breathe in through a cigarette and then blow it out |
1378 | soldier | /ˈsoʊl.dʒər/ | noun | person who is in the military |
1221 | solve | /sɑlv/ | verb | to find a way to deal with a problem |
1320 | somewhere | /ˈsʌmˌwɛər/ | adv | at or to an unknown or unnamed place |
1241 | speaker | /ˈspi.kər/ | noun | person who makes a speech before a group |
1333 | spirit | /ˈspɪr.ɪt/ | noun | part of a person that is not physical and believed to be the source of human emotions and character |
1332 | spring | /sprɪŋ/ | noun | time of year when plants start growing after winter |
1443 | square | /skwɛər/ | noun | shape with four sides of equal length sides and four right (90°) angles |
1374 | stone | /stoʊn/ | noun | hard, solid piece of rock |
1345 | strange | /streɪndʒ/ | adj | unusual or odd; surprising because unexpected |
1263 | strength | /strɛŋkθ/ | noun | being strong |
1545 | strongly | /ˈstrɔŋ.li/ | adv | in a strong manner; in a very serious way |
1483 | studio | /ˈstu.diˌoʊ/ | noun | the building or room where art is made, such as paintings, movies, or music |
1586 | succeed | /səkˈsid/ | verb | to finally achieve something that you were trying to achieve |
1284 | suggestion | /səgˈdʒɛs.tʃən/ | noun | idea about what someone should do |
1375 | sum | /sʌm/ | noun | amount when all is added together; total |
1361 | sun | /sʌn/ | noun | the hot shining star the earth moves around |
1218 | survive | /sərˈvaɪv/ | verb | to continue to live despite illness or trouble |
1490 | suspect | /səˈspɛkt/ | verb | to think that someone may have committed a crime or done something wrong |
1391 | swim | /swɪm/ | verb | to move through water by moving parts of the body |
1463 | switch | /swɪtʃ/ | verb | to change from one thing to another; (n) a thing you move to change from one thing to another |
1371 | tape | /teɪp/ | verb | to stick things together using an adhesive strip |
1413 | taste | /teɪst/ | noun | the particular quality of food or drink that can be sensed by a person's mouth |
1599 | tea | /ti/ | noun | drink made when you put dried leaves in hot water |
1470 | tear | /tɪər/ | verb, noun | 1. (v) to damage something by pulling it apart; 2. (n) drop of salty water from the eye |
1458 | technical | /ˈtɛk.nɪ.kəl/ | adj | of practical use of machines or science in industry |
1224 | technique | /tɛkˈnik/ | noun | way of doing by using special knowledge or skill |
1452 | temperature | /ˈtɛm.pər.əˌtʃər/ | noun | a measure of how hot or cold something is (e.g., the weather) |
1393 | theater | /ˈθi.ə.tər/ | noun | place where shows are performed on a stage |
1572 | theme | /θim/ | noun | main subject to discuss or describe |
1348 | threat | /θrɛt/ | noun | warning of probable trouble |
1521 | threaten | /ˈθrɛt.n/ | verb | to say you will harm or hurt someone |
1249 | ticket | /ˈtɪk.ɪt/ | noun | piece of paper that lets you enter or use something |
1516 | tie | /taɪ/ | verb | to join together two ends of string or rope; to join two or more things together with string or rope |
1571 | till | /tɪl/ | conj | until |
1331 | tire | /ˈtaɪ.ər/ | verb | to feel the need to rest after some effort; (n) a rubber covering around a wheel |
1414 | tonight | /təˈnaɪt/ | adv | the time from when the sun goes down on this day to when it comes up the following morning |
1227 | tool | /tul/ | noun | device used to make things (e.g., a hammer or driver) |
1296 | topic | /ˈtɑp.ɪk/ | noun | matter people talk or write about |
1396 | totally | /ˈtoʊt.əl.i/ | adv | in a complete way; completely; absolutely |
1469 | tough | /tʌf/ | adj | very difficult to do or deal with |
1486 | tourist | /ˈtʊər.ɪst/ | noun | someone who travels to a place for pleasure |
1338 | tradition | /trəˈdɪ.ʃən/ | noun | way of thinking, and behaving that was used for a long time |
1225 | traffic | /ˈtræf.ɪk/ | noun | amount of activity over a communication system |
1210 | transport | /trænsˈpɔrt/ | verb | to carry things from one place to another |
1281 | trend | /trɛnd/ | noun | general direction of developing, proceeding |
1457 | troop | /trup/ | noun | group of soldiers; an organized group |
1308 | twice | /twaɪs/ | adv | two times |
1536 | typical | /ˈtɪp.ɪ.kəl/ | adj | normal; usual; expected |
1269 | unfortunately | /ʌnˈfɔr.tʃə.nɪt.li/ | adv | in a way that is to be regretted; unluckily |
1279 | union | /ˈjun.jən/ | noun | organization of people or groups who have a similar interest or particular goal |
1594 | unique | /juˈnik/ | adj | unlike other things; being the only one like it |
1385 | usual | /ˈju.ʒu.əl/ | adj | being the way things occur most of the time |
1359 | vary | /ˈvɛər.i/ | verb | to be changeable, both up and down |
1408 | vehicle | /ˈvi.ɪ.kəl/ | noun | machine (such as a car) that is used to carry things |
1520 | victim | /ˈvɪk.tɪm/ | noun | person who has suffered from a crime, bad situation, or event |
1436 | violence | /ˈvaɪ.ə.ləns/ | noun | use of physical force to harm someone or damage something |
1398 | visitor | /ˈvɪz.ɪ.tər/ | noun | one who goes to a place to see it (or someone) |
1364 | volume | /ˈvɑl.jum/ | noun | level of sound produced by an object, such as a radio or television |
1508 | wake | /weɪk/ | verb | to stop sleeping; to make someone stop sleeping |
1368 | wash | /wɑʃ/ | verb | to clean someone or something with soap and water |
1246 | waste | /weɪst/ | verb | to use valuable things ineffectively |
1325 | weapon | /ˈwɛp.ən/ | noun | something that is used for fighting |
1565 | wed | /wɛd/ | verb | to marry; to get married |
1537 | west | /wɛst/ | noun | the direction where the sun sets; opposite of east |
1372 | whereas | /wɛərˈæz/ | conj | taking into consideration the fact that |
1591 | wild | /waɪld/ | adj | living in nature; not tame |
1389 | wine | /waɪn/ | noun | alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes |
1328 | winter | /ˈwɪn.tər/ | noun | coldest season of the year |
1467 | wood | /wʊd/ | noun | hard material that trees are made of and is used for building and fuel |