Word | Pronunciation | PoS | Definition |
bias | /baɪ•əs/ | noun | a strong feeling not based on facts to believe one thing over another |
catalog | /kæt•ə•lɑːg/ | noun | list of items that are available for purchase |
championship | /tʃæm•pjən•ʃɪp/ | noun | sports competition to find the best player or team |
complexity | /kəm•plɛk•sɪ•tɪ/ | noun | state of having many parts and not being simple |
continuous | /kən•tɪ•njʊəs/ | adj | happening without stops |
differently | /dɪfrəntlɪ/ | adv | in a way that is not the same |
excess | /ɪk•sɛs/ | noun | amount that is more than necessary |
extract | /ɪks•trækt/ | noun | take something out of something else |
firmly | /fɚmlɪ/ | adv | in a hard, steady, unchanging way |
golden | /goʊl•dən/ | adj | made of valuable, heavy, yellow metal |
hesitate | /hɛ•zɪ•tɛɪt/ | verb | to stop before doing something because you are unsure what to do |
immigrant | /ɪ•mɪ•grənt/ | noun | person moving to another country to live there |
implementation | /ɪm•plɪ•mɛn•tɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | making a law, system, or plan start to happen or be used |
interior | /ɪn•tiːɚ•riːɚ/ | adj | inside part of something |
liability | /laɪ•ə•bɪ•lɪ•tɪ/ | noun | something that is owed to someone else, e.g. a debt |
motivation | /moʊ•tɪ•vɛɪ•ʃən/ | noun | feeling in a person that makes him or her want to do something |
nowhere | /noʊ•wɛɚ/ | adv | not in or at any place; no place |
pray | /prɛɪ/ | verb | to wish or hope for something to happen or be true |
pro | /proʊ/ | noun | someone who earns money doing something they are particularly good at |
romantic | /rə•mæn•tɪk/ | adj | related to strong feelings of love between two people |
servant | /sɚ•vənt/ | noun | a person who works in another person's house and takes care of them |
shine | /ʃaɪn/ | verb | to make bright light |
stair | /stɛɚ/ | noun | steps that go from one level to another |
stomach | /stʌ•mək/ | noun | place in the body where food is broken down so your body can use it |
surprisingly | /sə'praɪzɪŋlɪ/ | adv | in an unexpected way |