NGSL Level 6 Glossary
Unit 11

alarm /ə•lɑɚm/ noun sound or light used for a warning or to wake someone
ally /ə•laɪ/ noun someone who supports, helps, or defends you
bend /bɛnd/ verb to make something not straight; make into a curve
blind /blaɪnd/ adj unable to see; with eyes that cannot see
bloody /blʌ•dɪ/ adj covered or spotted with blood on the surface
bread /brɛd/ noun baked food made from flour, used in sandwiches, etc.
briefly /briːflɪ/ adv happening in a short period of time; using few words
broadcast /broɚd•kɑɚst/ verb to send out signals by radio or television
cite /saɪt/ verb to mention the work of others in your writing
crazy /krɛɪ•zɪ/ adj not being sensible or practical
dirty /dɚ•tɪ/ adj not clean
disturb /dɪs•tɚb/ verb to stop someone from working or sleeping
efficiency /ɪ•fɪ•ʃən•sɪ/ noun working well; producing something without waste
flood /flʌd/ noun large amount of water covering land that is usually dry
iron /aɪ•ən/ noun hard metal used to make steel (symbol Fe)
jacket /dʒæ•kɪt/ noun light, thin coat
mature /mə•tjʊə/ adj being an adult, being fully developed physically
membership /mɛm•bə•ʃɪp/ noun all the people who belong to a club or group
poverty /pɑ•və•tɪ/ noun being poor
pure /pjʊə/ adj not mixed with anything else
quantity /kwɑn•tɪ•tɪ/ noun amount or number of something
regularly /rɛgjʊləlɪ/ adv at the usual time each day, week, or month
resort /rɪ•zoɚt/ noun a place where people go on holiday
statistic /stə•tɪs•tɪk/ noun number that represents a piece of information
sustain /səs•tɛɪn/ verb to maintain, lengthen or continue to do something