NGSL Level 6 Glossary
Unit 14

admire /əd•maɪ•ə/ verb to feel respect or wonder toward someone
angle /æŋ•gl/ noun place where two lines or surfaces meet
anticipate /æn•tɪ•sɪ•pɛɪt/ verb to expect or look ahead to something positively
anxiety /æŋ•zaɪ•ə•tɪ/ noun fear about what might happen; worry
chicken /tʃɪ•kɪn/ noun a large bird that is raised on farms for its eggs and meat
dependent /dɪ•pɛn•dənt/ adj someone who relies on someone for (financial) support
detect /dɪ•tɛkt/ verb to discover or identify the presence of something
dig /dɪg/ verb to move material to create a hole
drag /dræg/ verb to pull something that difficult to move
infant /ɪn•fənt/ noun child in the beginning stage of life; a baby
moderate /mɑ•də•rɛɪt/ adj average in size or amount
mount /maʊnt/ verb to organize and begin an action; to attach to a support
musician /mju•zɪ•ʃən/ noun person who writes, sings, or plays music, as a job
offense /ə•fɛns/ noun criminal act; something that causes hurt
operator /ɑ•pə•rɛɪ•tə/ noun someone who uses and controls something, usually equipment
precisely /prɪ'saɪslɪ/ adv in an exact and accurate manner
rival /raɪ•vəl/ adj a person, team or organization that competes with another; competitor
shower /ʃaʊ•ə/ noun the cleaning of a body by standing under falling water
significance /sɪg•nɪ•fɪ•kəns/ noun importance of something; the potential for something to have a big effect
specialize /spɛ•ʃə•laɪz/ verb to focus on one area of a field or profession
spin /spɪn/ verb to turn around repeatedly
surgery /sɚ•dʒə•rɪ/ noun medical treatment in which a doctor cuts into a body
teenager /tiːn•ɛɪ•dʒə/ noun person between the ages of 13 and 19
virus /vaɪ•ə•rəs/ noun a very small, basic living thing that causes disease or sickness
wrap /ræp/ verb to cover something on all sides with a piece of material or paper