NGSL Level 6 Glossary
Unit 4

alter /oɚl•tə/ verb to make a change to something
assist /ə•sɪst/ verb to help
cloud /klaʊd/ noun a mass of water vapor in the sky, as when it is going to rain
crew /kru/ noun organized group of workers (e.g. on a ship)
eliminate /ɪ•lɪ•mɪ•nɛɪt/ verb to completely remove; to get rid of
exclude /ɪks•klud/ verb to prevent someone from access to a group
false /foɚls/ adj not real or true
formula /foɚ•mjʊ•lə/ noun plan, rule or method for doing or making something
grand /grænd/ adj including many things; very large
hence /hɛns/ adv from now, later than the present time
input /ɪn•pʊt/ verb to put in information, advice or opinions
inspire /ɪn•spaɪ•ə/ verb to make someone have the desire to do something
isolate /aɪ•sə•lɛɪt/ verb to keep in a place or situation apart from others
nervous /nɚ•vəs/ adj having a tendency to become uneasy or anxious
persuade /pə•swɛɪd/ verb to get you to do/believe something, by giving reasons
phenomenon /fɪ•nɑ•mɪ•nən/ noun fact that can observed and studied
prisoner /prɪ•zŋ•ə/ noun someone kept in a prison as punishment for a crime
pupil /pju•pl/ noun a child or young person who is being taught; student
recruit /rɪ•krut/ verb to get people to come and work, join or study with you
restore /rɪs•toɚ/ verb to put or bring back into existence or use, mend
secondary /sɛ•kən•də•rɪ/ adj less important than something else
string /strɪŋ/ noun thin rope
tight /taɪt/ adj held together firmly; difficult to move
welfare /wɛl•fɛɚ/ noun a government program to help poor people
wet /wɛt/ adj covered or soaked with a liquid; not dry